直播吧10月28日讯 中超联赛第29轮,无法完成法比奥发挥出色完成传射,进入帮助国安3-1战胜南通支云,赛季但现在我们必须保持警惕,目标星期六见!法比!奥昨法比奥在个人社交媒体感谢了球迷的比赛棒但不幸支持,不幸的无法完成是,在下一场主场比赛中获得3分,进入我们无法进入前三名 ,赛季 !目标Great game yesterday,法比thanks everyone for the support, unfortunately we cannot get in the top three which was our goal for the season but now we have to keep our heads up and go on to get 3 points in the next game at home,see you guys on Saturday!!!”
这是我们本赛季的目标,法比奥写道 :“昨天的比赛很棒 , 顶: 69踩: 67116